Faith & Love in Action!

Posted by on Jan 20, 2024 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

Faith in Action - Sacred Heart Parish
This Sunday we collected items for a Warming Centre in Kitchener that has opened to provide help for those people struggling in this extremely cold weather. 
Packaged snacks that people can take to go are really helpful such as; soups with a pull top lid, granola bars, juice boxes, individual fruit cups, pudding or any items like these are very welcome and appreciated.

Opening song: Gather Us In

Scripture video: Matthew 25:34-40

Please click the play arrow ABOVE to hear Pastor Dave’s “Faith in Action” message

Poem: When the song of the angels is stilled (Howard Thurman)

Song of the day: WE ARE CALLED

Please click the play arrow ABOVE to hear the prayers & blessing

Closing songs: “After The Song” and Do Something